(MARCH 18, 2020) - Weakley County Clerk Kim Hughey issued a press release Wednesday addressing the status of services provided by the office during the COVID-19 pandemic. It reads as follows:
As your Weakley County Clerk, I would like to let you know that we are continuing to provide services in the office. We personally make contact with hundreds of customers per week at the counter. However, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, we would like to make everyone aware of some services that may be handled by phone, email, online, fax or postal service. While following recommendations from the CDC & health professionals, we urge you to take advantage of these options.
We are able to renew license plates, issue business licenses, receipt hotel/motel occupancy tax, process notary applications, and renew hunting/fishing & boat licenses/registrations remotely.
License plates may be renewed by phone by calling 731-364-2285, online at tncountyclerk.com or by mailing to the Weakley County Clerk, PO Box 587, Dresden, TN 38225. Most forms pertaining to our office may be obtained at tn.gov/revenue, title and registration or at weakleycountytn.gov.
You may contact the office from 8:00 until 4:30 by calling 731-364-2285 for direction and assistance. I may also be contacted at kim.hughey@tn.gov for email correspondence.