Traffic Signs Approved for School Zone Safety


Sharon City Board


The Sharon City Board approved the installation of two traffic signs in a school traffic zone on North Woodlawn Street to improve safety, as requested by Police Chief Mark Kimsey during the board’s Oct. 11 meeting.

As Kimsey explained, the two signs will prohibit large trucks from traveling through the school traffic zone from 7-8 a.m. and 2-3 p.m. on school days.

Kimsey detailed a recent incident in which a semi-truck failed to stop at the crosswalk when an officer signaled the driver to stop to prevent a child from being run over. Kimsey said that while no one was hurt in this instance, the signs would help to prevent future incidents and improve safety at that crosswalk.

Alderman Broussard made the motion to post the signs, and the board approved that motion unanimously.

In other business:

*The board unanimously approved Chief Kimsey’s suggested changes for new city ticket books. The chief said he would go ahead and order the new ticket books.

*The water/sewer budget was unanimously approved on a second reading.

*The board voted unanimously to accept $628,936.34 in American Rescue Plan (ARP) funding as Greenfield’s portion of ARP money allocated to Weakley County by the state. A letter from County Mayor Jake Bynum regarding this allocation was given to each alderman.

*Citizen Pearl Jones spoke to the board regarding a piece of property recently purchased by John Clark on Highway 45 South. Jones said that Clark has fenced in the land and is in the process of growing grass with the purpose of putting cattle on the plot. Jones pointed out that city code does not allow cattle within 1,000 feet of a residence. Board members advised Jones that it has been determined that Clark’s land lies outside Greenfield city limits, and the city cannot regulate how Clark uses that property.

*City employee William Witherington advised the board that Fall Ball is underway and seems to be going fine. He said that over $1,100 was raised from concessions at the city-wide yard sale, and Woodmen is supposed to be contributing up to $1,000 in matching funds.

*Public Works Director Greg Evans reported that PRI should be doing patchwork on various streets around town by the end of October.

*Assistant Fire Chief Justin Harris advised the board that a burn ban is still in effect in this area until a substantial rain has fallen.

*Citizens expressed concerns about speeding on North Martin and North Durham Streets. Chief Kimsey said he would look into the matter.

*Members of the Condemnation Board were informed that the city is still looking for a building inspector. Chief Kimsey advised the board that he has recently made several person-to-person contacts regarding conditions that violate city code.