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Three Narrowly Escape Injury in Two-Vehicle Crash Near Sharon



SHARON (March 15) —Two adults and a two-year-old toddler, involved in a two-vehicle crash, at the intersection of US Highway 45 East and White Clay Road near Sharon, narrowly escaped injury.

According to a THP Sergeant Jena Eubanks, a preliminary investigation indicates, at approximately 4:51 p.m., on Monday, March 15, Misty Birchem, 28, of Greenfield was attempting to cross Highway 45 to White Clay Road in her 2021 Toyota Highlander, when she stopped in the median crossover momentarily. As Birchem continued across Highway 45, her vehicle collided with a southbound 2002 Ford Taurus, driven by Deborah Jackson, 69, also of Greenfield. The Toyota Highlander came to a final rest on White Clay Road and the Ford Taurus came to final rest on Highway 45.

Fortunately, Birchem, her two-year-old passenger, and Jackson did not sustain any injuries in the accident. Sergeant Eubanks says seatbelts and the child safety seat were properly used. This may have been a factor in the occupants escaping injury.

Agencies working the scene of the accident included: THP, Weakley County EMS, Sharon Police Department, and the Weakley County Sheriff's Department.

Birchem was issued a citation for Failure to Yield the Right-of-Way.

Emergency personnel cleared the scene by 5:54 p.m.

Sergeant Eubanks encourages motorists to slow down, buckle up, don’t drive distracted and drive sober.