TCAT Students Earn Perfect Attendance


Twelve students recently earned Perfect Attendance and were recognized by the Tennessee College of Applied Technology in McKenzie. They included (L to R, Top Row) Mitchell Norman, Chandler Brachmann, John Dublin, Mason Gant, Collin Niegocki, and Timothy Fann; (Bottom Row) Justin Slater, Nikolas Bynum, Sarah Heyduck, Hunter Ledsinger. and Benjamin Rea. Not pictured is Kizer Riley.

McKENZIE (December 18) - Tennessee College of Applied Technology in McKenzie recently congratulated 12 students for earning Perfect Attendance in the Fall Trimester. Automotive Technology (AUTO): Mitchell Norman from McKenzie; Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning, and Refrigeration (HVAC/R): Chandler Brachmann from Paris, John Dublin from Martin, Mason Gant from Trenton, and Collin Niegocki from Gleason; Information Technology Systems Management (ITSM): Timothy Fann from McKenzie; Machine Tool: Justin Slater from McKenzie and Kizer Riley from Martin; Welding McKenzie Campus: Nikolas Bynum from Huntingdon, Sarah Heyduck from Huntingdon, and Hunter Ledsinger from Huntingdon; Welding Dresden Campus: Benjamin Rea from Dresden.

For more information about the programs offered at TCAT McKenzie call 731-352-5364. New classes begin January 4, 2021.