State Broadband Map Needs Public Comments


NASHVILLE (April 18) – The Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development (TNECD) announced last week the state broadband map is now available for public comment.

The map is available on the TNECD mapping site, and the public comment period closes on May 30, 2022.

TNECD invites broadband providers, local leaders and community members to provide input on the map via TNECD’s broadband site,

Under contract with TNECD, Connected Nation requested data from providers in Tennessee to create a statewide broadband map. The map includes information, searchable by address, for all 95 counties by covering broadband availability, speeds and technology types.

In 2021, the Tennessee Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations (TACIR) recommended that Tennessee join several other states in creating a broadband availability map. Once complete, the map is intended to be used for state broadband funding decisions, as well as serve as a community planning resource.

Following the May 30, 2022, deadline, TNECD will work with Connected Nation to make any necessary validations and adjustments to the map. TNECD anticipates releasing an updated version of the map in late summer 2022.