Sharon PD Wins New Uniforms


NEW UNIFORMS – (From left) Bauer rep. Andy Boyd presents Sharon Police Chief Mark Kimsey and Officer Jeff Weaver with seven new uniforms that the Sharon Police Department won through an online contest sponsored by Bauer. Officer Weaver entered his department in that contest.[/caption]


Officers with the Sharon Police Department are all sporting brand new uniforms, thanks to one officer’s initiative, one company’s generosity, and a little luck.

According to Sharon Police Chief Mark Kimsey, his newest part-time officer, Jeff Weaver, entered the Sharon PD in an online contest to win new uniforms being conducted by Blauer, a uniform manufacturer that produces uniforms for first responders.

And, low and behold, they won it.

As Kimsey detailed, his department won seven new matching uniforms, including tops and bottoms, gloves, socks, boots, and even a pocketknife for each officer, all at absolutely no cost to the city.

Kimsey praised Weaver for showing the initiative to sign the department up for the contest.

“It’s nice to see a new officer go above and beyond to help out the department,” said the chief.

The Sharon PD currently features Kimsey, Weaver, and four other part-time officers, but, according to the chief, he is in the process of hiring an additional part-time officer.

Bauer representative Andy Boyd came to Sharon on Sept. 27 to present the officers with their new uniforms.

Kimsey estimated that these uniforms represent several hundred dollars worth of clothes and equipment per officer.

“Although our City Council has gone to great lengths to provide the PD with a larger budget, it can still be difficult to get matching, practical, comfortable, and affordable uniforms for each officer,” said Kimsey. “Blauer went above and beyond in providing each of us with these uniforms. These are items that officers need and use on a daily basis, and this is just another step in the right direction towards bringing Sharon PD up to speed with today’s law enforcement needs and standards.”