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Sharon Board Talks Positions, City Issues



SHARON (April 12) – The Sharon board of mayor and alderman met Monday night in its formal monthly session to tackle a somewhat light agenda.

To begin the meeting, there were several questions before the approval of the March board meeting minutes by Alderman James Roberts. The question came about from statements made over the city recorder position that is now open in Sharon after Donna Stricklin resigned. Alderman Roberts said he understood the city would not hire a city clerk until it had filled the position of city recorder. Mayor Ali Stalter said she made a decision as supervisor over the position of city clerk.

Alderman Roberts asked for an update on the position of city recorder, Mayor Stalter reported there were some applications sent to MTAS to be looked over as part of the hiring process. The City of Sharon is still actively seeking a city recorder.

The city did agree to hire Sharon resident Wendy Gray as clerk for Sharon City Hall. She is currently on a standard six month probation period.

In new business, a new restaurant will be opening in Sharon as Sabrina Bates requested a beer permit from the board for her new restaurant. Bates said W.C. Pub & Grill would be a friendly bar and restaurant located in Sharon at the former location of Big T’s Place on Highway 45. The board agreed to allow Bates the beer permit by a vote of 3-1. She said she hopes to have W.C. Pub & Grill open by the beginning of May.

The CPA firm the city hired was not present at the board meeting, but Mayor Stalter stated they are working hard and will be at the board meeting in May.

In city department head monthly reports, Greg Evans with Public Works announced the city would begin picking up brush Tuesday, April 13. He said the city will follow their route and get to each home as quickly as possible. His department is also catching up on mowing around the city.

Newly-hired police chief John Andrews gave his first monthly report to the board. He reported he has been working to catch up on paperwork around the office and been meeting with school leaders and business owners. Chief Andrews asked for the police department to have a standard uniform for all officers as there are various uniforms issued over the years and his goal is to have a consistent look for all of his officers. The cost to purchase two shirts and pants for each officer is $1,500. The board fully approved the purchasing of officer uniforms for the City of Sharon.

In the fire department, Gary Eddings announced one person had passed the rookie school in Martin and will be moving forward to become a fire fighter. The department is also looking to order more equipment.

New signs have been ordered for the city of Sharon. Bill Bostwick said there have been signs entering into the city that have been down for some time, which commemorated the TNT junior boys and girls softball champion teams. Bostwick asked the board to approve a purchase of a riding duck toy and spring for the park for $1,065, which the board approved. There is a sewer line at the park, which will need to be repaired in the coming months, as the bathrooms cannot be flushed most of the time.

He also reported there were few sign ups for little league and T-ball and he is working to let children know, hoping for more participants. Children can sign up for T-ball from now until Thursday, April 15.

Deena Smith with the Sharon library requested the board consider purchasing a security system, due to a break-in on April 5 at the library, which resulted in more than $30 stolen and back-door damage. For two cameras, a motion sensor, two door sensors, an alarm system and a panic button will cost $513 with a $10 monthly fee. This system also records and will allow for her to know if someone breaks in again.

The board approved to purchase the security system, unless the city finds another system that will work better.

In other news, the Weakley County Prevention Coalition and the City of Sharon are hosting a movie night at Gardner Park on Saturday, April 17 beginning at 4 p.m. There will be free drinks and snacks with games and activities for the whole family. This event is free to the community. Visitors are asked to bring seating for this event. The city-wide yard sale will be April 24th.

The city also voted to sponsor a golf team for the annual Chamber of Commerce memorial golf tournament, as long as players could be found to form a full team.

Bulk pickup for the city will take place beginning May 10. The city asks residents to not set out bulk for pick-up until May 10.