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Sewer Testing Begins in Greenfield


GREENFIELD (July 13) — This week, crews are in Greenfield to test the city’s sewer system. Teams are expected to be in town through the end of the month. This program is being undertaken by the City of Greenfield to meet requirements of the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation. The smoke testing is used to locate blockages, leaks, and cross connections. Photographs will be made of leaks occurring in the sewer system.

During the testing, white smoke is blown into the sewer for leak identification, according to Greenfield Mayor Cindy McAdams. The smoke is reportedly relatively harmless. Any irritation caused by smoke is temporary and quickly disappears after exposure has ceased. During the testing, residents of Greenfield may see this smoke coming from vent stacks on houses, holes in the ground, and other outlets. This is what the smoke should do and in no way is a hazard, the mayor noted in a press release.

The smoke is not expected to enter a home unless there is some problem within the home’s plumbing system. Should smoke enter the home, residents are asked to contact a member of the testing crew within the neighborhood for an explanation of why the smoke has entered the home.