The Tennessee Press Association (TPA) held its 2022 press contest awards ceremony for its 133 member newspapers across the state on Aug. 26 in Nashville, and three publications under the umbrella of Magic Valley Publishing (which also owns this newspaper) did very well, earning numerous awards.
The Carroll County News-Leader in Huntingdon won first place in Group I for Make-Up & Appearance, second place for Editorials, second for Best Single Editorial, third for Best Breaking News Coverage, third for Coronavirus Coverage, third for Local Features, fourth for Best Personal Humor Column, fourth for Coronavirus Features, fifth for Best Sports Coverage, and fifth for Best Sports Writing.
The Leader of Covington racked up three first place awards in Group II for Best Sports Coverage, Local Features, and Best Personal Column.
The Chester County Independent brought home a first place award in Group I for Best Sports Photo and a second place award for Best News Photo.
The annual TPA awards banquet has been co-sponsored by the University of Tennessee System since 1940.
“Our long partnership with TPA reflects our shared commitment to education and accountability to all Tennesseans,” said Carrie L. Castille, UTIA senior vice chancellor and senior vice president, who presented the awards at the banquet. “We’re grateful to be able to work with the TPA to make that happen.”