I want to thank the people of Obion and Weakley Counties for entrusting me with the job of District Public Defender. And I want to especially thank the following people: Suzanne Clark, Joe Terry, Colin Johnson, Bill Randolph, Cindy McPeak, Kevin McAlpin, Kate Bynum, Damon Campbell, Katie Cooper, and James Washburn. These colleagues have made the Public Defender’s Office the effective advocate for citizens that it has been for more than three decades.
I want to also thank Judge Raymond Morris for his steadfast support.
Bill Randolph, my assistant for many years, now will take the reigns and lead the office to even higher standards of excellence.
And most importantly I thank my wife, Kathy, who has supported me so unconditionally for so long. Here she is in this, my first campaign photo, that ran in this paper 32 years ago.
Joe Atnip
27th Judicial District Public Defender