Lady Chargers Run Away with Championship Win


Martin Middle School Lady Chargers 2020 Basketball Team

MARTIN (December 7) – The girls’ championship game for the Weakley County Middle School Basketball Tournament had the Martin Middle School Chargers host the Greenfield Jr. High Yellowjackets Monday night. Martin was able to take the championship title for 2020 with a run-away win over Greenfield.


Martin began the game taking the tip-off and had Angel Cole make the first score of the game with a two-point shot early in the first quarter. Greenfield was struggling to break through the Lady Chargers’ defense, but AG Abernathy broke through for two points. The first quarter was almost over with the score tied at 2-2. Both teams scored four more points and were tied at the start of the second half 6-6.

McCall Sims for Martin scored the majority of Martin’s points in the second quarter and the Lady Chargers’ defense prevented Greenfield from gaining much traction. The Lady Jackets only picked up two more points by Brenley Little. Martin had the lead at the half with 13-8.

The Lady Chargers only increased their lead in the second half of the game as Greenfield scored eight more points in the second half compared to Martin’s 20. McCall Sims scored nine points in the second half with three from the three-point line. Martin was able to take the run-away win with 33-16 at the end of the fourth and the Championship title.

McCall Sims led the game with the most points scored at 19, while teammate Hayden Swaim scored 9. Hallie Trevathon for Greenfield scored the most points for her team with six, while Jaylee Bowers scored three.

Greenfield Jr. High Lady Yellowjackets 2020 Basketball Team