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Judge Moore’s Symptoms Improving after Being Diagnosed with COVID


Weakley County General Sessions Judge Tommy Moore


DRESDEN (December 22) — General Sessions Judge Tommy Moore tested positive for COVID-19 on Monday, December 14, but says he had symptoms before then.

On Tuesday, December 22, General Sessions Judge Tommy Moore said, “I think I’m doing pretty good. I feel much better, and I’m hopefully on the mend. My taste and smell have come back, which are good signs. And I don’t feel as bad.”

The judge says the virus makes him really tired, which may be a lingering issue.

“When you get it, you don’t know which version you’re going to get and how your body is going to react to it,” he said.

Before returning to work, Judge Moore says he plans on following the quarantine rules. “If you’re not running a temperature and taking anything for fever, don’t have any other symptoms, and you’ve done your quarantine, you should be okay.”

“We’re not having any court until Monday, and I should be better by then,” he said. He also encouraged people to wear a mask.

Judge Moore’s 10-day quarantine ends on Christmas Day.

See details of Judge Moore’ reflections on COVID-19 at