Greenfield High Crowns Court


The 2022 Greenfield High School Homecoming Court includes (back row from left) Freshman Maid Claire McWilliams, Junior Maid Caroline Bodkins, Senior Maid Stormie Ricketts, Sophomore Maid Brenley Little, (front row from left) crown bearer Hutton Darby, Homecoming Queen Ramsey Crouse, and flower girl Sloan Darby.

During last Friday night’s game against Bruceton, Greenfield High School announced the 2022 Homecoming Court.

The water and film girls were honored first with the managers of the team following. The cheerleaders and football players were each mentioned.

The 9th Grade Maid was cheerleader Claire McWilliams, daughter of Jay and Margrette McWilliams. She was escorted by Alex Garcia and Landon Clark.

Brenley Little was named the 10th Grade Maid. She is the daughter of Brent and Leslie Little and was escorted by Noah Browne and Easton Sullivan.

The 11th Grade Maid was Caroline Bodkins, daughter of William and Terri Bodkins. She was escorted by Silas Hazlewood and Lars Schroeter.

The 12 Grade Maid was Stormie Ricketts, daughter of Sabrina and Rusty Ricketts. She was escorted by Blake Rodehaver and Tyler Isbell.

The 2022 Homecoming Queen was Ramsey Crouse. She is the daughter of Stephen and Tiffany Crouse and was escorted by Cole Allen and Matt Scates.

Crown bearer was Hutton Darby, son of Rusty and Alyse Darby, and the flower girl was Sloan Darby, daughter of Tandy and Kasi Darby.