Gleason School offers incentives for excellence


DAWG PAW WINNERS – Winners of the DAWG PAW Drawing #1 at Gleason School include (from left) Braxton Herman, Ayden Bennett, Kami Thomas, Landon Aeschbacher, Gibson Mansfield, and Emily Cagle. Also pictured is Principal Lee Lawrence[/caption]

Gleason School is offering unique incentives to reward excellence in students. Gleason School Principal Lee Lawrence and his faculty have worked together to establish several initiatives to inspire students to work hard at being their best.

One such concept is the school’s Attendance Incentive Program. Principal Lawrence said that the implementation was tied to a need.

“One personal motto of mine is, ‘If you show up and try, good things tend to happen.’ The State identified that negative patterns have emerged across Tennessee regarding attendance as a result of COVID-19, and we knew we had to find a unique way to get our school back on track. Our phenomenal group of students responds very well to incentives, rewards, and recognition,” said Lawrence.

The strategy rewards perfect attendance in all age groups. For elementary aged students, a class works together to spell out the phrase “PERFECT ATTENDANCE” by attaining a letter for each day that every student in the classroom is present. Upon spelling out the full phrase, the class will earn a popcorn and soft drink party. The first class to complete the challenge receives a pizza party, and the homeroom that completes the challenge 5 times during the school year will earn a field trip as determined by the faculty.

The incentives offered to Junior High and High School students include gift cards or cash prizes for students achieving six full weeks of perfect attendance.

Another program acknowledges students’ good character.

The school will again be offering DAWG PAW Days, which is an acronym for Positive Attitude, Acts Kindly, Works Hard, and Shows Respect. A relaunch of an old program with a new twist in 2020, the focus is to recognize excellence in many areas like academics, growth, improvement, social emotional learning, and more.

Teachers nominate students for good deeds such as random acts of kindness, outstanding class participation, volunteer work, great performance on a test, improved behavior, following directions, and unlimited other opportunities. The drawings are held six times per semester and include all age groups. Winners receive prizes that were donated by Gleason businesses.

Middle and High School students at Gleason School have additional motivation to stay on track in the form of the Bulldog Club Reward Trip.

Based on semester outcomes, students who adhere to the program guidelines will earn a special trip at the end of each semester. Students are asked to meet objectives, some of which include avoiding detention, suspension, unexcused absences and tardies, cell phone violations, and parking and technology violations.

Treating everyone with respect and upholding academic integrity are other ways to get a spot on the trip list. If a student doesn't qualify in the fall semester, they still have the opportunity to earn a trip at the end of the spring semester.

Principal Lawrence expressed appreciation for the support of local businesses and individuals who donate generously to the school.

“Gleason area businesses and individuals are amazing advocates for our school. Without them, we don’t believe our initiatives would be nearly as successful. The Gleason community is very supportive to our students and their investment will endure. Just think of all the giving people in Gleason who once attended this school and are now local champions for our students,” stated Lawrence.

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