Gleason Board Seeks $420,000 CDBG Fire Truck Grant




Members of the Gleason City Board voted to apply for a $420,000 Community Development Block Grant, during their regular monthly meeting on Monday, January 23. The purpose of the grant is to obtain funding to purchase a new firetruck.

According to Fire Chief Mark Stafford, the grant would pay 88 percent of the cost of the firetruck, which amounts to $369,600, and the city would be required to pay the remaining 12 percent in matching funds, costing the city $50,400.

The grant match is normally 20 percent, but because Gleason is a ThreeStar community, it received a 4.0 percent reduction in the rate required for matching funds, and an additional 4.0 percent reduction for COVID relief.

Chief Stafford stated it will be November of 2023 before the city is notified whether or not it is awarded the grant, and it could take up to two years before the fire truck is delivered.

Following a brief discussion, the board voted unanimously to authorize the city to apply for the grant, with Mayor Charles Anderson and Alderman Wade Cook being absent.

Additionally, Chief Stafford informed the board that he has received a letter of consideration for a Voluntary Firefighter Equipment and Training Grant, which is a zero-match grant that would cover the entire cost of all equipment and training, if awarded. Stafford noted the grant funding would help purchase new turn-out gear for the city’s firefighters.

In other business, City Attorney Beau Pemberton updated the board on the status of dilapidated housing. Pemberton stated the house located at 303 East Union Street will be renovated by the property’s new owner, instead of being torn down, as was previously planned. The new title holder is considering renting out the building, once renovations are completed.

With no further business, the meeting adjourned.