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Fireworks Regulations in County Vary



WEAKLEY COUNTY (June 29) — Fireworks regulations in Weakley County municipalities vary considerably. They are as follows:

The citizens of Dresden are allowed to set off fireworks July 1 through July 5, until 11 p.m. each night.

In Martin, private individuals may shoot fireworks, as long as they adhere to directives issued by Martin Police Department.

“Although City of Martin Code 11-402 prohibits noise caused by fireworks, the Martin Police Department understands the public’s desire to celebrate July 4th,” Martin Assistant Police Chief Phillip Fuqua said. “Due to this special holiday time, as usual, M.P.D. plans on being lenient on the enforcement of this code during the holiday weekend.

“We ask the public to refrain from shooting fireworks between the hours of 10 p.m. and 9 a.m. through the July 4th weekend, with the exception of the night of July 4th. Please keep neighbors and animal welfare in mind while celebrating. Be advised that neighborhood complaints may cause officers to request stoppage and citations could be issued for continuance,” the press release notes.

The City of Gleason allows its citizens to set off fireworks July 1-3 from 10 a.m. until 10 p.m. and on July 4 from 10 a.m. until 11:30 p.m. The only other time period city codes allow fireworks to be set off in the city limits of Gleason are December 31 through January 1, between the hours of 8 p.m. and 1 a.m.

Although, the City of Greenfield has no Fourth of July celebrations scheduled, local citizens are allowed to set off their own fireworks from 9 a.m. until 10 p.m. June 20-30; July 1-7; December 25, 30 and 31; and January 1-2.

According to Sharon City officials, the citizens of the town may shoot fireworks all day long on July 4. However, this is the only day of the year the use of fireworks is allowed.