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Fall and Halloween Events Planned in Weakley County

A group of youngsters enjoy a hayride at Holt Family Farms. They are pictured with the pumpkins they picked themselves. The children also played games and participated in various fun activities while visiting the farm.


WEAKLEY COUNTY (October 7) — For those in search of fun-filled, kid-friendly fall and Halloween activities the whole family can enjoy, there are several events planned during the months of October and November available to the citizens of Weakley County.

Although there are not as many fall and Halloween-related events available to the public as there have been in years' past due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there are several worth mentioning. These activities are revised to include precautions against spreading the potentially-deadly virus.

Wherever local families decide to go to celebrate the fall season, it’s always a good idea to bring a camera along, because there will be plenty of photo opportunities to capture unforgettable memories.

Dresden Area Events

The City of Dresden is planning a drive-through Trunk-or-Treat Saturday, October 31, 2020, beginning at 5 p.m. Businesses, churches, organizations and individuals are invited to participate in this fun event by decorating their vehicles and handing out candy. Those interested in taking part in Dresden’s Trunk-or-Treat may contact Priscilla Price at or call 731-364-2270.

The drive-through trunk-or-treat begins at the corner of Poplar and West Main streets and ends at North Street (one-way traffic only). Trunk-or-treaters are asked to stay in their vehicles. All participants are requested to wear masks, practice social distancing and sanitize hands frequently while passing out individually-packaged candies, snacks, toys or drinks.

“While we are disappointed in not seeing all of the fantastic costumes, pictures may be emailed to Priscilla Price (, and they will be shared on the City of Dresden’s Facebook page,” said Dresden City Recorder Jennifer Branscum.

“The City of Dresden is looking forward to this event and invites everyone to join us,” Price said.

A Zombie 5K Fun Run is set for Saturday, October 24, 2020, at Dresden Farmers Market, located at 421 Linden St. There is a $20 entry fee for the 5-K run and a $15 entry fee for the 1-Mile run. Registration forms are available at or call 731-514-4329. Free shirts will be presented to the first 30 people to register. Registration begins at 5:30 p.m. and the race begins at 7 p.m. Proceeds from the event will benefit Be The Village.

Be the Village is a non-profit organization based in Dresden, Tennessee, which provides clothing, toiletries, baby care items, school supplies and other items to foster families in the area. Be the Village President Sandra Taylor said, “We know that it takes a village to raise a child and we like to help anyway we can and spread God’s word while we do it.”

A highly-popular fall attraction outside the city limits of Dresden includes the many assorted activities at The Pumpkin Patch, hosted by Holt Family Farms, located at 357 Woodruff Rd., Dresden. The farm, which offers fun for all ages, is operated by Andy and Ellie Holt and their seven children. Every year, local families gather at The Pumpkin Patch for family fun and games. The fall-themed attraction is open from 10 a.m. until 7 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays, during the month of October.

A $10 ticket includes admission to a petting zoo, pony and barrel train rides, hayride, play areas and hay-mountain slide. Additionally, the youngsters pick out their own pumpkins to carry home and decorate for Halloween. Ages two and under and military personnel may join in the activities for free.

Field trips on or off-the-farm are available Monday through Thursday for groups such as daycares for $8. The off-the-farm field trips are held in the schools, as COVID restrictions allow. Either way, the youngsters get a lesson about agriculture and their very own pumpkin, as well as playtime and a snack.

The Holts also offer fall decorations, pumpkins, mums and cornstalks for sale to the public.

Concerning COVID-19 precautions, Ellie says, “We really believe in personal liberty. It’s outside in the fresh air and they’re spread apart. So, it’s pretty much up to the children’s parents what they want to do. We have the pumpkins close enough so the children can pick them out if they don’t want to be on the hayride where they would be close to other people.”

Ellie added, “I feel like people are looking for something to do with their families and this is a good option. It’s been good so far; it’s been really beautiful weather.”

The Holts invite everyone to come out and have fun on the farm and make some memories.

For additional information, call 731-819-2261 or check out their Facebook page at Holt Family Farms @holtfamilyfarms

Gleason Area Events

According to City Recorder Angela Hunt, the City of Gleason is not having any fall or Halloween activities this year, due to the COVID-19 virus.

However, Beech Springs Missionary Baptist Church, located at 2696 Brawner’s Levee Rd., Gleason, is hosting Trunk-or-Treat on Orchard Street in Gleason Saturday, October 31, starting at 5:30 p.m. The church is also hosting its annual Fall Festival Saturday, November 7, beginning at 3 p.m., weather-permitting. Pastor Tony Terrell says there will be grilled hamburgers and hotdogs for hungry festival-goers, as well as an inflatable jump house and other fun activities for the kids.

City of Greenfield Events

The City of Greenfield is hosting its second annual Community Wide Trunk-or-Treat from 4 p.m. until 6 p.m. Saturday, October 31.

Local churches and businesses will provide visitors with a fun, spooky and safe time. However, extra safety precautions will be taken due to COVID-19.

Guests will enter and exit at the north end of Front Street beside Re/Max Real Estate, go down Front Street toward the old Greenfield Banking Company, loop back up toward Greenfield City Hall and Greenfield Fire Station, and then exit beside Dr. Davidson’s clinic.

A limited number of people will be allowed in at a time and everyone is asked to practice social distancing as this is a walk-through event along downtown Greenfield.

Food will not be provided this year, but there will be plenty of candy and treats passed out to local youngsters.

For more information, call (731) 235-2330.

City Recorder Callie Croom Smithson says, “We hope to see you all there.”

City of Martin Events

The City of Martin is not hosting any fall or Halloween events this year. Mayor Randy Brundige states there is not an annual Great Pumpkin Parade planned this year due to COVID-19. However, he said the city is not placing any restrictions on Halloween, so parents may take their youngsters trick-or-treating at their own discretion.

Central Baptist Church, located at 801 Harrison Rd. in Martin, is hosting a Trunk-or-Treat event in the church's parking lot October 31 from 6-8 p.m.

Sharon Area Events

The City of Sharon Fire Department is offering its annual Fire Truck or Treat event at the fire station from 5-8 p.m. October 31. Members of the department will pass out candy to trick-or-treaters. They'll be serving up hot chocolate for guests and invite community members to enjoy a variety of Halloween movies playing on the screen inside the department.

Sharon Fire Department reminds trick-or-treaters to always put safety first by carrying a flashlight and wearing reflective clothing that evening.

Just outside of the Sharon city limits, the Nanney Farms Pumpkin Patch, located at 1767 Sharon Rd., Sharon, which is owned and operated by Cody and Jennifer Nanney offers families a destination for fall-themed attractions and decor.

Attractions are free and it’s open Saturdays 10 a.m. until dark and Sundays 1 p.m. until dark.

“We are open seven days a week for pumpkin, mum and straw purchases,” Cody said. He added the Pumpkin Patch is also available for pre-booked parties and field trips. The farm offers locally-grown pumpkins, mums, cornstalks and straw for fall decorating.

For more information, contact Cody Nanney at 731-514-2431 or Colton Nanney 731-514-5087; or check out their Facebook page at

Other Fall & Halloween Attractions

There may be other local churches or community organizations hosting fall events The Enterprise staff is not aware of (check with your local church for details).