Entrepreneur, Philanthropist Donates Lemonade Stand Funds to Greenfield Kindergarten Classes



Weakley County Schools Communications Director

GREENFIELD (August 17) — When a pandemic cut her pre-K year short and summer promised few of the usual distractions, five-year-old Emma Kail literally turned lemons into lemonade. Her $300 in earnings then became a hefty donation to Greenfield School’s kindergarten.

On a Friday morning in late May, Adam and Katie Kail of Greenfield asked their three children what they would like to do that day. Inspired by a lemonade dress – complete with a yellow tutu – that Mom had gotten her online, Emma quickly exclaimed she wanted a lemonade stand.

Dad got right on it taking scrap pieces from other household projects and building an HGTV-worthy establishment. Emma chose the lavender and yellow color scheme and made sure to include her Disney Princess cash register and appropriate extra touches like a straw dispenser and lemon-themed decorations.

“We named it Sassy E’s because Emma’s nickname is ‘Sassy’ in our house,” explained Mom.

On June 2, Sassy E’s opened for business giving out free samples of lemonade and a special treat for those who came to visit.

When the money started coming in, Emma declared she wanted to donate all the money to the school’s kindergarten teachers.

Mom Katie says the act of generosity comes naturally to her middle child. Emma knew the Greenfield community had donated school items last year. In pre-K, she was declared a “Super Friend” for her acts of kindness and even got a superhero cape. She’s a helper around the house, too – folding laundry and, according to her, picking up. Though mom wonders just how strict Emma is with that particular chore.

Selling out on numerous occasions throughout the summer and collecting donations, Emma was able to deliver the $300 to the school prior to schools’ reopening.

“We’re so thankful for our school and are truly blessed with some of the best educators and staff around. We’re looking forward to a great year!” said Mom Katie after delivering the donation.

Kindergarten teachers Mikaela Roberts and Keri Adams expressed amazement at all Emma accomplished and are considering what needs the funds will address.

Adams said she and her children enjoyed Emma’s goodies before knowing where their donation would go.

“She was giving a package of s’mores away with every plastic cup,” Adams noted of the young business owner’s marketing savvy.

Roberts, who has been assigned as Emma’s teacher when school opens on August 17, said, “It’s exciting to have such a caring young person in my class. I can only imagine the great things she will do at Greenfield School in the years to come!”

When asked what she thought of the experience of earning money to give away and the reception she received when making her donation, Emma was quick to reply, “I’m ready for next summer!”

Family and friends kept lemonade stand owner Emma Kail in business throughout the summer. Emma (far right) is with friend Annyston Green and brother Noah.

Emma Kail expanded her inventory beyond drinks with sandwich cookies and S’mores.[/caption]

Emma Kail, shown serving friend Landrum Hazlewood, is already planning what she can do to expand the business next summer.