Ralph W. Cobb Jr. announced his candidacy for alderman for the City of Dresden in the November 3 election. Cobb grew up in and around Dresden and has dedicated himself to improving his community. He said he made his decision to run as alderman after seriously considering his responsibilities that he would have to fulfill as alderman.
Cobb is involved in church events, sporting events and volunteers throughout the community. He helps the Dresden Football program by filming games, along with helping his son coach the first-ever Dresden Middle School Baseball team.
Cobb and his wife, Kristy Thompson Cobb, have been married for 27 years. They have one son, Nickolas, who teaches and coaches at Dresden Middle School and is married to Ashly Glover Cobb.
The candidate said he believes in listening to and representing the citizens of Dresden, and added, if elected, he will bring a conservative representation with a community-oriented approach.
“If elected, I will work hard to represent and serve you, the citizens of Dresden. I look forward to meeting and talking to as many citizens as possible between now and the election, but I would like to take the opportunity to ask for your support and vote. I would be honored to be your next alderman for the City of Dresden,” Cobb added.