DRESDEN (September 30) — The Dresden Planning Commission met Thursday, September 30, and reviewed a site plan for storage buildings that involves rezoning property currently residential to commercial. Members also considered making changes to zoning regulations regarding property setbacks for communications towers.
Property Rezoning Ordinance
The main purpose of the meeting was to discuss a site plan submitted by Terri and Jackey Lamb to construct mini storage buildings at 1601 E. Main St. The property is currently zoned R-1 (Low Density Residential); however, it has been used for commercial purposes for years, as an extension of the trailer sales also owned by Jackey Lamb. There is an adjacent property, also owned by Lamb, which is zoned B-3. The current trailer sales business spans both properties and a strip of unimproved right-of-way between the two properties.
Paul Hutcherson made a motion to rezone the proposed property to B-3 and recommend the same to the City Board for approval. The motion was seconded by Joyce Hurt and unanimously approved with members - Mayor Jeff Washburn, Judge Moore, Kenneth Moore, Mike Youngblood, Dick Tidwell, and Allen Strawbridge also voting in favor of the motion.
The Planning Commission unanimously approved the site plan contingent on the Dresden City Board rezoning the property from residential to commercial.
The Dresden Board will consider passage of the first reading of an ordinance to amend the City of Dresden’s Municipal Zoning Map: to rezone from R-1 (low density residential) to B-3 (highway oriented business) properties and portions thereof on east main street owned by Jackey and Teresa Lamb (tax map 102, parcel 14.00), Connie Gatewood and Michale Ray (tax map 102, parcel 15.00, and Anthony and Lesa Watson (tax map 102, parcel 13.00).
Property Setbacks
In other business, Staff Planner Donny Bunton presented a proposed zoning text amendment which would add the following wording in each zoning district’s provisions governing setbacks:
“Communications towers may be placed closer than the designated setback from the nearest property line, lease line, or site line, only if a letter from a licensed engineer is provided that states that the fall radius for the proposed tower would extend no closer than the 10 feet from said nearest property line, lease line or site line.”
Mike Youngblood made a motion to adopt this amendment and recommend approval to the City Board. Paul Hutcherson seconded the motion, which passed by a unanimous vote.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned.