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Dresden Municipal/Regional Planning Commission Approves Rezoning Request


DRESDEN (October 29) — The Dresden Municipal/Regional Planning Commission approved a rezoning request when it met in regular session Thursday, October 29, 2020, at noon at Dresden City Hall.

Stan Hurt requested property, located at 145 East Main St., be rezoned from B-2 (Central Business) to residential. The R-1 (low-density residential) district is adjacent to this property. The property is approximately 19,500 square feet in size.

A house previously on the lot burned and is buried on the east side of the property. A new structure cannot be built over this buried structure.

During a previous meeting, Hurt inquired about subdividing the property and placing two manufactured homes on the lot. However, he has since decided to construct one house on the lot. The property adjoins an R-1 district so there would be no spot-zoning concerns.

According to Staff Planner Donny Bunton, who serves as Northwest Tennessee Development District representative, while this property seems appropriately zoned and conducive to commercial growth, he takes no issue with rezoning the property to either R-1 or R-2.

A motion by Dick Tidwell to rezone the lot from B-2 to R-1 was seconded by Committee Chairman Allen Strawbridge and unanimously approved.

A rezoning ordinance will be presented to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen for approval. This ordinance will require two passages before it becomes effective. The readings will take place in December 2020 and January 2021.