Dresden Board to Consider CSX Railroad Property; Accept Bids


DRESDEN (May 26) — One of the top items on the agenda at next Monday night’s Dresden City Board meeting involves the former CSX Property located on Pikeview Street at the intersection of Jones Street.

The question of who owns the property at the old railroad overpass on Pikeview was researched by City Attorney Beau Pemberton and he is expected to render his opinion during the meeting in written form.

The board will consider bids involving construction work at Dresden Civic Center. The work involves removing the garage door and installing new aluminum store front doors and glass in the building.

A resolution making budget amendments to various lines in the City of Dresden’s General Fund and Water Fund for fiscal year 2020 will also be considered.

The meeting starts at 6 p.m. It is limited to mayor, aldermen and city recorder. Aldermen who do not feel comfortable attending with the necessary distancing enforced and department supervisors may join by conference call. Media and public may view the meeting via City of Dresden YouTube Channel. Public comments are to be emailed to cityrecorder@cityofdresden.net by Friday, May 29.