The Dresden Board of Mayor and Alderman approved accepting a bid from Hamilton Roofing at their September board meeting. The city of Dresden received two Civic Center roof bids, one from Hamilton Roofing in the amount of $47, 120 and one from Titan Construction in the amount of $53,550. The city approved the Hamilton roofing bid.
The city also passed the rezoning ordinance on the second reading after a public hearing. The ordinance rezones the properties at 203 Pikeview Street and 219 Pikeview Street from residential to commercial.
The city also passed a budget amendment resolution. Finance Director Carla Edwards stated that the first item pertained to the Civic’s Center roof where insurance funds were received to repair the roof. The second item pertained to the Dresden Police Officers receiving a bonus salary supplement for $4,800. The final item pertained to ARPA Grant funds from the state to go into the Water and Sewer budget for expenses already paid for according to Edwards.
A Special-called meeting will be held on Monday, September 16, 2024 at 5 pm at City Hall to appoint the vacant alderman position.
The next regularly scheduled board meeting will be held Monday, October 7 at 6 p.m. at City Hall.
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