COVID-19 Positive Cases Increase in State, Weakley Shows No Increase


NASHVILLE (May 13) — According to the Tennessee Department of Health, the number of positive cases of COVID-19 in Tennessee increased since Tuesday, May 6. Presently, there are 16,111 (13,938 last Tuesday) positive cases and a total of 265 (239 last Tuesday) deaths. The numbers represent the total number of positive cases during the 2020 pandemic.

In Carroll County, there has been one death, 16 recovered and 22 (18 last Tuesday) positive cases. A total of 824 were diagnosed as negative.

In Henry County, 13 have recovered of 15 (13 last Tuesday) positive cases and 902 tested negative.

In Weakley County, 22 (22 last week) have recovered of 24 (24 last week) positive cases and 761 (685 last week) tested negative.

No are no positive cases or deaths from any long-term health facility in Carroll, Henry, Weakley or Obion counties.

Davidson County has 31 deaths, 1950 recovered and 3,580 (3,128 last Tuesday) positive cases.

In the United States, a total of 1,342,594 (1,193,813 last Tuesday) positive cases were reported in 2020 with 80.820 (70,802 last Tuesday) deaths, according to Centers for Disease Control.

The World Health Organization indicates 4,098,018 (3.68 million last week) positive cases and 283,271 (258,000 last Tuesday) deaths worldwide. It is now in 215 countries.