County Commission Approves Infrastructure Improvements

The Weakley County Commission considered several resolutions involving infrastructure improvements, during its January 19th meeting.


The Weakley County Commission approved several resolutions during its Tuesday Jan. 19th meeting at the Weakley County Courthouse in Dresden, which includes various capital project and infrastructure improvements.

Distance Learning and Telemedicine Grant

The Commission passed a General Purpose School Fund resolution budgeting $358,905 that Weakley County received from a Distance Learning and Telemedicine Grant to finance a project providing distance learning and/or telemedicine services in rural areas.

The grant is all federal money, and requires no local tax dollars.

The funds will be utilized to purchase equipment for the School Department’s District Office, Westview High School, and additional distance learning classrooms at Dresden and Martin middle schools.

Highway Department Projects

A resolution authorizing budget amendments to the Highway Capital Projects Fund and Debt Service Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023, was unanimously approved.

The purpose of the resolution is to fund the purchase of equipment for the Weakley County Highway Department.

In order to cover the cost of these projects, the Commission authorized the issuance of a capital outlay note in the amount of $220,000.

The proposed borrowing of these funds from Debt Service has been submitted to the State of Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury’s Office of State and Local Finance for approval.

Five-Year Property Reappraisal Cycle

Commissioners unanimously approved a resolution establishing a five-year property reappraisal cycle.

The change involves amending Weakley County’s six-year reappraisal cycle to five years.

The resolution stipulates that a sales ratio study will be conducted during the second and fourth years of the review cycle, and the centrally assessed properties and commercial/industrial tangible personal property will be equalized by the sales ratio adopted by the State Board of Equalization.

The reappraisal will be accomplished in Weakley County by a continuous five-year cycle, beginning July 1, 2023. It involves an on-site review of each parcel of real property over a four-year period followed by revaluation of all such property for tax year 2028.

County Maintenance Road List

The Commission approved a resolution authorizing the 2022 county maintenance road list, as recommended by the Weakley County Board of Public Works and provided by Weakley County Schools Transportation Director Tim Barker.

It’s noteworthy that each January, the Commission approves the maintenance road list for the previous year, not the current year.

Elections, Appointments and Confirmations

The Commission approved the reappointment of Allison Whitledge as Weakley County Attorney by unanimous vote.

Two members were appointed to Weakley County’s Ag Extension Committee. They are John Robert Freeman and Andy Oliver.

There were no nominations or appointments to the office of District 6A Constable.

The list of notaries public was unanimously approved by the Commission.


Mayor Bynum stated the next regular session of the Weakley County Commission will be held at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 16, 2023, in the Commission Courtroom at the Weakley County Courthouse.