Weakley County 4-H is promoting beef for July Beef Month. The beef industry is a significant part of everyday life for many people. Most days, someone can say that they have used or consumed a product derived from beef. Some make a living raising cattle. In 4-H, the beef project teaches youth about the beef industry, proper care for their cattle, and how to show cattle in a livestock show. “Despite what some may think, there is more to beef than eating Big Macs and leading a steer into the show ring,” a press release noted.
Raising beef is more complex than just feeding cattle. It is about being good stewards of the resources available. It is about conserving and turning those resources into sustainable products. Beef cattle are what we call “up-cyclers.” They take a byproduct that is usually thrown out and turn it into a protein rich food source. Beef cattle can be raised on land unsuitable for agriculture which makes them a valuable asset. Consumers would agree that beef remains the top protein choice among consumers, according to the Beef Council and Beef Research.
Why is beef so important? Weakley County 4-H says look around your surroundings right now. Do you see anything that is related to the beef industry?
Here is a list of products derived from the beef industry: meat, leather, pet food, sporting goods, clothing, boots/shoes, rubber, ceramics, photographic film, insulation, candles, bandages, cellophane, paints, perfumes, floor wax, paper, soaps, shaving cream, crayons, toothpaste, and even linoleum, and sheetrock. This list is not exhaustive. There are many more products that come from beef.
As a part of July Beef Month, Weakley County 4-H will be promoting beef throughout the month. You will be seeing and hearing from Weakley County 4-Hers this month. Be on the lookout for posts on the Weakley County 4-H Facebook page about beef.
Local 4-Hers will be on hand at the Martin Farmers Market this month handing out recipe cards, free items and promoting giveaways. Stop by their booth at the Martin Farmers Market on July 23, to learn all about beef.