Charger Gala Fundraiser Event


On Saturday, February 12, the Charger Foundation held its third annual Charger Gala. The Charger Foundation is an organization designed to help support and improve the Weakley County Schools. In particular, the Foundation offers grant programs for teachers in the four Martin schools, allowing them to use the funds for classroom purchases, various books and equipment, as well as other needs they may have. During Saturday’s event that included dinner and silent and live auctions, $126,000 was raised, doubling the total from the 2020 gala. The money will be divided among varying initiatives including senior scholarships, ACT incentives, professional development, future teacher grants, and other sundry projects. Some money is placed into an endowment for long-term usage for the stability of the foundation. “We are blessed to live in such a supportive community,” says Chairman Elizabeth Pritchett, “this event would not be possible without the support of our sponsors, auction donations, and attendees. The gala committee responsible for the event is beyond amazing. I am very blessed to work with such talented women.” Pictured from the event is (L to R) Charger Board members and Gala Committee members Courtney Echols, Jennifer Hays, Kara Snider, Whitney Taylor, Hollianne Carver, Elizabeth Pritchett, Destin Tucker, Katie Mantooth, Amy Belew and Lauren Sims. Photo courtesy of Christel Laney Photography