Branscum Appointed to Everett Stewart Airport Board



OBION COUNTY (August 20) — A Dresden woman was appointed to serve as secretary and treasurer for the Everett Stewart Regional Airport Board when it met Thursday, August 20.

Board Chairman Wayne McCreight introduced Jennifer Branscum of Dresden, who was appointed to the position by the Weakley County Commission during its July 30, 2020, meeting. McCreight, Weakley County Commissioner Roger Donaldson and Branscum were all appointed to two-year terms ending August 31, 2022.

Bransum, who has served as Dresden City Recorder since 2003, will fill the seat of Kay Stegall beginning in September. Stegall resigned from her position as secretary and treasurer after 10 years on the airport board.

Branscum brings a lot of experience to the position, having served more than 17 years as Dresden City Recorder.

“I’m excited to be part of the Airport Board,” Branscum said. “I think the airport is an asset to Weakley and Obion counties. It’s essential for industrial growth. I’m pleased to be a part of it.”

“I have worked with Kay (Stegall) in accounting and finance for the city through her position with MTAS for approximately four years,” Branscum said. “She taught my Certified Municipal Finance Officer (CMFO) classes, because cities are required to have someone who is CMFO-certified.”

Stegall, who is a finance and accounting consultant, joined the Municipal Technical Advisory Service (MTAS) in March 2008. She is a Certified Public Accountant and holds a master’s degree in business administration.

The Regional Airport Board presented Stegall with a gift in appreciation for her many years of service.

Jennifer Branscum

Kay Stegall