Bid Approved for Water Plant Maintenance


ANWERING QUESTIONS – Tracy Fearnley with Veolia North America answers questions from the Martin City Board about maintenance and repair work his company will be doing at the city’s water plant.[/caption]

Martin City Board


Members of the Martin City Board approved a bid to have maintenance and repair work done in the aerator room at the city’s water plant during their Oct. 10 meeting in the city courtroom at the Martin Police Department.

The $190,246 bid from Veolia North America was the only bid submitted, according to Martin Mayor Randy Brundige.

Before the vote, Brundige introduced Veolia consultant Tracy Fearnley to the board and invited Fearnley to speak and answer questions about the work his company would be doing.

As Fearnley detailed, the job will involve preventative maintenance and repair work at the water plant to make sure that the facility continues to meet state guidelines.

“This is a lot of money for minimal square feet,” said board member Randy Edwards, who asked for assurances that the job would be done right.

Fearnley said a state inspector would be brought in to make sure of that.

“We’ve been doing this a long time,” said Fearnley, who added that while their work comes with only a one-year warranty, it should be 20 years or so before the facility needs further maintenance in that part of the water plant.

“Then I look forward to seeing you in 20 years,” said board member David Belote.

The board then approved the bid unanimously.


In other business:

*The board unanimously passed a resolution authorizing the city to participate in the Public Entity Partners “Safety Partners” matching grant program.

*The board voted to allow recently hired city employee Becky Palmer to take a few days of sick time for medical reasons.

*The board was advised that the informal board meeting for November has been cancelled and that the next regular (formal) board meeting has been scheduled for Nov. 14 at 5:15 p.m. in the city courtroom.