Beulah Land Cowboy Church Weekly Newsletter


Our church services are at the church and online. Services are on the Beulah Land Cowboy Church Facebook page.

The church lifts up a special prayer for the church, Bro. Roger, Greg and Sharon, Oscar and Chris McPeak, Larry and Mary Dew, Bill and Juanita Wyatt, Ron and Barbara Cooper, our nation, Ukraine and so many others.

Sunday morning, Jerry Luker led the music service. Bro. Roger’s special was leading the congregation in ‘Jesus Loves Me.’ Ms. Sharon will be celebrating her birthday this week. Bro. Roger brought the message from Isaiah chapter 6. We need to have a sincere desire for the TRUE Love and worship of God.

Sunday evening, Jerry Luker led the music service. Bro. Roger’s sermon was taken from 1 Samuel chapters 17 & 20. When the enemy calls us to fight, we must depend on the power of God to have victory.

Our Movie night will be on Saturday, February 18 at 5:00. There will also be food served that night.

We are beginning to make plans to attend YEC this year.