Beulah Land Cowboy Church News


Our church services are at the church and online. Our services are also on the Beulah Land Cowboy Church Facebook page. The church lifts up special prayer requests of the church, Oscar and Chris McPeak, our nation, Ukraine and so many others.

Sunday morning Jerry Luker led the music service. Sarah Patel and Roger McPeak provided the special music. Bro. Roger’s sermon was about Walking in Love. Scriptures were from 1 John chapters 2 & 3. The Lord commands us to obey His Word, abstain from sin and to love one another as He loves us.

Sunday evening was the Ladies’ Service. Mary Dew led us in prayer for many prayer requests that were mentioned. Discussion was held on church and church programs and events. Food was served by the men in the fellowship hall.

Andy and Andrea Snider will be our guest singers this coming Sunday evening, October 30 at 5:00pm. Our Homecoming/Anniversary celebration will be November 27. The church is also planning this year’s Christmas program.