Beulah Land Cowboy Church News


MARTIN (October 10) - Sunday morning, Bro. Robert Baker led the song service. Special music was provided by Norbert Gooden, Quanya Currie and Robert Baker. Adrianna Williams and Kathy Blackburn are celebrating their birthdays this week. Samantha Ellis taught children’s church. Bro. Roger brought the message, “Family of God,” from 1 Corinthians chapters 10 and12 and 1 Timothy 3. God commands us to assemble ourselves together. The church should be the center of the Christian’s life.

Kristin Tibbs became a full member of the church after the service.

Sunday evening, Samantha Ellis led the song service. Samantha, Sandra Smith and Cindy McPeak provided the special music. Bro. Robert brought the message that night from the book of Job. Job teaches us to keep the faith and trust in God through the very worst trials of our life.

Members are very excited to announce that Eric Horner will be at the cowboy church for the fifth Sunday night singing, October 31.