Beulah Land Cowboy Church News


MARTIN (April 25) - The church is open for all services. Services are also online on Roger-Cindy McPeak’s Facebook page. Sunday morning, Bro. Robert Baker led the song service. Larry and Mary Dew celebrated their anniversary that day. Ali Sproul, Samantha Ellis, Rick King and Robert Baker provided the special music Sunday morning. Stacy Winston blessed the congregation with her wonderful testimony. Samantha Ellis taught children’s church. Bro. Roger brought the message, “Living Well and Dying Well,” taken from Philippians chapters 1 and 3. A close walk with God and a happy and blessed life go hand in hand.

Sunday evening Mary Dew led the Ladies’ service. Shelley Lambert and Samantha Ellis gave their testimonies. They were such a blessing and the church is so proud of both of these young ladies. The men served food after the service.

Spring revival will begin Wednesday night, May 19, through May 22. Donald Doster is the evangelist. Bro. B. J. Jones will lead Youth Night.