MARTIN ( November 1) - The Beulah Land Cowboy Church is live-streaming Sunday morning and Sunday evening services on Roger-Cindy McPeak’s Facebook page.
There has been good attendance the last couple weeks, considering the circumstances. Bro. Robert Baker led the song service Sunday. Rick King visited the church Sunday. He sang “I’m Going Home” and “The Anchor Holds.”
Bro. Roger brought the message titled, “Drop To Your Knees,” taken from Philippians chapter 1, Ephesians 6, and 2 Thessalonians 3. Be thankful and always pray for love for others and deliverance from evil.
Sunday evening, Gary Rogers led the song service. Ali Sproul brought the special that night. Bro. Robert’s message was from Matthew 12 and 23. There is no forgiveness for blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.
Church members will host movie night Friday night with food. Donations will be taken to help with the Lady’s Retreat. Beulah Land Cowboy Church is located at 993 Haygood Rd. in Martin.