Beulah Land Cowboy Church


Our church services are at the church and online. Our services are now on the Beulah Land Cowboy Church Facebook page. The church lifts up special prayer requests for Mike Cook, the church, our nation, Ukraine and so many others.

Sunday morning Jerry Luker led the music service. Stacy Winston celebrated her birthday this week. Mary Dew blessed us with a beautiful song, ‘I Won’t Have to Worry Anymore,’ and Bro. Roger sang ‘Precious Memories.’ Bro. Roger's message was titled ‘Who Do You Trust?’ Scriptures were from Jeremiah chapters 16 and 17. Blessed are those who are devoted to the Lord and His Word.

Sunday evening was our Ladies’ service. Kelly Morgan, from the Agape House in Martin, was our speaker. It was such a blessing, as well as very informative. Mary Dew read a few scriptures regarding the importance of children and the sanctity of life. The church presented Mrs. Morgan with several gifts and a check for the Agape House. Food was served by the men in the fellowship hall.

The church will be setting up a tent at the Soybean Festival on Wednesday, September 7. Come by and see us. The Ladies Retreat will be October 7-8 this year.