FCE Club
The New Salem Family and Community Education Club recently met at the Farm Bureau building in Dresden for the first time since February 2020 due to the COVID-19 national pandemic, with four members and Extension Agent Beverly Shelby, present.
President Mary Elizabeth Bell welcomed the members by reading the Thought for the Day: “Master your instrument, master the music, and then forget all that and just play.” – Charles Parker.
The group stood and repeated the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and read the Club’s Collect in unison. President Bell then gave an amusing and thoughtful devotion from a book of Daily Devotionals, titled, “Making a Personal Connection with a Chicken.” She then read John 1:45 and closed the devotion with a prayer. The group sung, “God Bless America.”
JoAnne Gill read a synopsis of the February 2020 secretarial minutes for corrections. Treasurer Sue Stewart gave the lengthy treasurer’s report of any activity during the shutdown, due to COVID-19, for approval.
President Bell reminded those present of the death of Francis Clark, a very beloved honorary member of the New Salem Club for many years. She passed away in her home at the age of 100 years young. She, in the past few years, had hand-colored in pencil, beautiful cards for each of the club members. The Club sends sincere sympathy to her family.
Bell then opened the floor for Business Unfinished and New. She brought to attention that the position of club secretary is now vacant as Fonda Holst, who has faithfully served as club secretary many years, resigned due to health reasons. JoAnne Gill, reporter, volunteered to serve in that position until the club’s elections can be held in October. Bell said since this is an appointment, no vote was required.
The question about club member dues came up. County Agent Beverly Shelby said club dues are up to the individual club. County Council dues are $1 per club member. In addition, $4 are for Region and State dues. Since some members also belong to the National Association of the Family and Community Education Club, their dues are $30 (members 80 years and older pay $26.50). All dues were due to the County Council Treasurer by September 1. Registration for state conference was also due by September 1.
President Bell announced that August was National Peach and Kiwi Month, and National Family Meals Month. September My Plate/Your Plate donations will be canned chicken. For the roll call for September, each member will tell of their first job.
The possibility of a club outing was discussed since there was no outing in 2020 and it was decided to wait until the September meeting to make plans. Also, the Agent’s Report will be given this month.
With no further business, Bell closed the meeting by reading, “Remember that the most valuable antiques are dear, old friends.” – H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
The group then enjoyed cucumber/crescent roll sandwiches, chocolate fudge, pretzels and drink of choice, provided by Mary Elizabeth Bell.