Former Greenfield Police Chief Enters Consent Agreement for Domestic Assault Charge


All charges to be dismissed in February 2025 if Smith completes all programs

Shannon Taylor


Daniel Smith

Former Greenfield Chief of Police has entered into a consent agreement regarding his domestic assault charge stemming from Dec. 10, 2023, where he was charged with two counts of domestic assault.

The order states that upon agreement reached by the parties which requires strict compliance by Smith that he must surrender his Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) Certification immediately and that he cannot possess a firearm for a period of 11 months, 29 days with the first day beginning on Feb. 14, 2024, and the last day being Feb. 13, 2025.

Smith was also ordered to complete anger management counseling, an alcohol and drug assessment, and to complete Domestic Violence Perpetrator counseling for no less than 10 sessions.

If Smith fails to comply with the order, it could result in the State resuming prosecution of the matter, however, if Smith completes everything in the consent agreement, the State will dismiss all charges against him on Feb. 13, 2025.

Smith will not be permitted to possess his charges are dismissed in 2025.s a badge or be an officer anywhere unless he goes back through the certification process after

The agreement was entered March 13 in Circuit Court where it was signed by General Sessions Judge Tommy Moore, District Attorney Pro Tem Meghan S. Fowler, and Attorney for Smith, Robert R. Young.