Dresden Industrial Board Votes to Install Fire Hydrant on Hwy 89 in Support of Local Industry




The Industrial Development Board of the City of Dresden met at Dresden City Hall on Monday, March 20, 2023, to consider installing a fire hydrant and bore Sharon Hwy.

As the meeting opened, Chairman Junior Moore stated his eyesight is poor and he is unable to see well enough to conduct the meetings. Therefore, he asked for someone new to be appointed to chair the Industrial Board.

In response to Moore’s statement, Brad Branscum was appointed as the new chairman by all members present, including: Junior Moore, Mayor Mark Maddox, Weakley County Economic Development Board Director Justin Crice, Tom Reavis, Brad Branscum, Colin Johnson, Tony Winstead, Ricky Finney and Bobby Goode.

In other business, a request was reviewed from National Tobacco/Turning Point Brands to share the costs with the city to bore Sharon Hwy 89 at Stokers Warehouse, in order to install a new fire hydrant and to extend the water line from the new tap approximately 500 ft. closer to their building. During discussion, it was noted the City of Dresden has purchased the hydrant, valve, tapping sleeve, pipe and fittings for this project.

The cost to bore the highway is $13,769.84.

National Tobacco will be spending $19,500 to extend the water line. Natural Gas Piping Co., Inc. of Dyersburg submitted the winning bid, which includes installing a six-inch diameter water line, a six-inch valve and a fire hydrant.

It was noted that National Tobacco has spent $3-$4 million in improvements on the facility, which is located inside the city limits. It was pointed out that the improvements outside the city limits were within the purview of the industrial board, since it lies inside the Dresden zip code.

Tom Reavis made a motion to approve the expenditure of $13,769.84 to assist with this project. Ricky Finney seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned.