Beulah Land Cowboy Church Newsletter


Our church services are at the church and online. Services are on the Beulah Land Cowboy Church Facebook page. The church lifts up special prayer for the church, Bro. Roger, Greg and Sharon, Oscar and Chris McPeak, Larry and Mary Dew, Bill and Juanita Wyatt, Ron Cooper, Theresa Quillon, our nation, Ukraine and so many others.

Sunday morning, Jerry Luker led the music service. Special music was by Jerry Luker, Matthew Cook, Stacy Winston and Rick King. Ian McKnight is celebrating his birthday this week and David and Stacy Winston are celebrating their anniversary. Bro. Roger brought the message from Ephesians chapter 5 and Romans 8. Walk in wisdom and set your life plan on what God wants you to do.

One came forward after the service and requested membership of the church.

Sunday afternoon was the ordination service for Rick King and Tony Moore. Rick King was ordained as a minister of the gospel and Tony Moore was ordained as a deacon. Bro. Ron Cooper preached the charge to Tony, Bro. John Burroughs preached the charge to Rick, and Bro. Roger preached charge to both.

Sunday evening services were canceled.