Family and Community Education Club Newsletter


Standing from left is Sylvia Simmons, Sue Stewart, Kathy Simmons, Betty Bequette. Seated are, Jerry Seamans, Mary Elizabeth Bell, and Aileen Edwards. Not shown is JoAnne Gill, Photographer.

By JoAnne Gill

Special to the Enterprise

The New Salem Family and Community Education Club recently met in Dresden in the lovely home of Kathy Simmons, who served as hostess. Members also present were Jerry Seamans, Mary Elizabeth Bell, Aileen Edwards, Sylvia Simmons, Sue Stewart, Betty Bequette, and JoAnne Gill. Pam Filtz, FCE Administrative Associate, was also present.

The meeting was called to order by President Mary Elizabeth Bell reading the thought for the day, “One of the most lasting pleasures you can experience is the feeling that overcomes you when you genuinely forgive an enemy-whether he knows it or not.” -O.A. Battista.

Bell then gave the devotional reading of Isiah 40:30-31. She then read the poem, ”Love Is” by Kate Summers. The poem states that love is kind, patient, appreciating, comfort shared, and always there. The group read the Club Collect in unison and then sung the song “You are my Sunshine”.

When the roll was called, each member passed Valentine's Gift to the member on her left and told the number of treats brought for donation to Santa’s Helper. The total was 69 items. JoAnne Gill gave the minutes of the January meeting and the treasurers report was given by Betty Bequette, both were approved as read. There was also a donation from each member of the American Heart Association.

Bell brought unfinished business. She told that February is American Heart Month. She also told that reading records are due February 1 and activity sheets are due May 1. My/Plate/YourPlate donation for March is sauces. She also told to remember the roll call for March, to tell “What art or craft project are they are most proud of.”

For new business, Bell led a discussion on plans for the club’s annual Mini-Conference.

She told that traditionally held on the third Thursday in March, but will be held on March 21 this year due to the unavailability of the use of the Farm Bureau Building in Dresden. The time was decided to be from 8:00 AM until 3:00 PM. After a discussion of the menu, it was decided that Simply Southern Restaurant in Gleason will cater the luncheon for $20.00 per person. The theme of the conference will be “Spring into Action” with an emphasis on recruiting new members. Betty Bequette told that she has spoken with Steve Biggs who will give a program on the Amazing Honey Bee. Jerry Seamans will chair the Silent Auction, and Kathy Simmons will do the name cards. Betty Bequette will manage Cultural Arts, and Fashion Review, and will find someone to serve as a judge. Items judged first and second, will be taken to the Western Region FCE Mini-Conference in August, winners are eligible for entry to the state level in November.

The next meeting will be held on March 3, 2023, at the Farm Bureau building.

Bell adjourned the meeting by reading the closing thought, “Wear always the same age inside.”

-Gertrude Stein.

The group played the game of Bingo with Aileen Edwards winning the cover card prize. Then they enjoyed delicious strawberry Poke Cake, various condiments, and drink of choice served by hosted Kathy Simmons. Everyone left with a bag of delicious homemade cookies.