Dresden Board Appoints Bryan Chandler Police Chief

Bryan Chandler was appointed as Dresden’s new police chief.[/caption]



During Monday night’s Dresden City Board meeting, Bryan Chandler was appointed as Dresden’s new chief of police.

Police Chief Appointment

The City of Dresden received two applications for office of police chief and both candidates work for Dresden Police Department.

Mayor Mark Maddox said, after he, City Recorder Jennifer Branscum, and Alderman Kenneth Moore reviewed the applications, he recommends Bryan Chandler be appointed Dresden police chief. Chief Chandler received unanimous approval, and Mayor Maddox Mayor pinned the police chief insignia on Chandler’s uniform. The mayor said the main thing he told Chandler is he wants the new police chief to do is to “keep us safe.”

Sick Leave Policy Ordinance

The second and final reading of an ordinance amending the personnel policy of the City of Dresden was approved by a unanimous vote, following a public hearing held prior to the board meeting.

The revised personnel handbook states the following: “Employees shall be compensated for unused sick leave upon retirement from Town employment.”

The policy stipulates “Employees who retire from Town employment must be of regular retirement age, as defined by the Town’s retirement plan.

“Employees shall not be compensated for unused sick leave for any other circumstances, except for the death of an employee.”

Audit Report

CPA John Pool gave an audit report regarding the City of Dresden’s financial records. Pool stated his firm did not find anything that gave them any concern in this year’s report.

Additionally, Pool stated he didn’t find any issues regarding tax dollars not being spent for city business.

(See “Audit Report Lists High Expenditures Due to Impact of Tornado”.)

Community Development Block Grant Project

A2H Construction engineer Travis Martin addressed the board concerning the different projects the city could apply for regarding the Community Development Block Grant. Martin noted Community Development Block Grants now have additional categories not available in the past. (See separate article, “A2H Construction Reports On Grant Projects”)

Vaughn Brothers Drainage Issue

Concerning the Vaughn Brothers drainage project, the board voted to bid it out. At last month’s meeting, Public Works Director Josh Lassiter stated the cost estimate was between $104,000 to $110,000.”

2023 Committee Appointments

The board also approved several committee appointments.

Attorney Invoice

Regarding an attorney’s invoice left over from the previous administration, which involves attorney’s fees for representing the city in a lawsuit, Mayor Maddox stated he is waiting to hear from the State Comptroller’s office before taking any action. For this reason this item was moved to next month.

Citizens Input

Local resident Tracey King complained of the rundown condition of her neighbor’s property, which she described as dangerous, and asked that city ordinance do something. She remarked that her neighbor has old refrigerators, tires and other assorted junk scattered all over his yard and porch. She alleged that the man steals things from other people’s yards and that people staying there are always getting arrested.

Additionally, King noted the residence has no electricity or running water. Chief Chandler said that he went to court in November and the judge gave the owner time to clean up the property and reschedule the case for December, but he failed to appear in December as ordered, or to appear in court in January on various code violations.

Mayor Maddox stated, if the property owner does nothing to correct the problem before the next City Court date on Feb. 21, further legal action should be taken.

The board agreed, and voted unanimously to have City Attorney Beau Pemberton take the next legal step if the problem is not remedied.

Kenneth Williams of 218 N. Parkway stated nothing has been done to repair or remove a home severely damaged by the tornado located across the road from his residence on Hwy 89. He asked the city to do something about it.

Mayor Maddox stated he will be convening a condemnation board concerning this and other storm damaged properties very soon.

Another local citizen complained about a house trailer being located on Linden Street. Mayor Maddox explained it is technically a manufactured home and is allowed by law. Therefore there is nothing the city can do about it.

A Dresden resident stated a property on West Main Street, located near the site of the old Baybee Shoe factory, was not picked up very well by the company that hauled off tornado debris. He remarked there is broken glass and metal on the property.

Mayor Maddox said he would take a look at the property and “see if Dresden Public Works could take care of that.”

Employees Report

Alderman Gwin Anderson asked Public Works Director Josh Lassiter to do something about a deep pothole on Cedar Street adjacent to East Main. Lassiter stated he would try to get the contractor to speed up repairs on the potholes on Cedar and Linden streets. When asked about break-ins at local residences, Police Chief Bryan Chandler confirmed there were two break-ins and an apparent attempted break-in recently.

Parks and Recreation Director Joey Winstead reported middle school baseball starts Feb. 27; high school baseball gets underway on March 14; and DHS softball starts March 17. The sign-up for league ball is until Feb. 28.


In announcements, the mayor said he has conducted email communications regarding the Nanney property, but the situation has not yet been resolved. The next board meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 6 at 6 p.m. in the Dresden Civic Center.