Beulah Land Cowboy Church


Our church services are at the church and online. Our services are on the Beulah Land Cowboy Church Facebook page. The church lifts up a special prayer for the church, Greg and Sharon, Oscar and Chris McPeak, Larry and Mary Dew, Bill and Juanita Wyatt, Ron and Barbara Cooper, our nation, Ukraine and so many others.

Sunday morning, Kaylin Patel led the music service. Shelby celebrated his birthday this week. Specials were by Kaylin Patel, Manish Patel, Bro. Roger and Cindy. Bro. Roger brought the message from James chapter 1 and Proverbs 17 and 29. Sin separates us from God; Listen to the Holy Spirit and lay down all unrighteousness.

Sunday evening, Jerry Luker led the congregation in a song. Bro. Rick King sang several songs, some of which he wrote or remade. Bro. Rick then brought a short message from James chapter 4. The conflict within us is between our desires for pleasure and our desire for God’s will.