Local Wreaths Across America Project Nearing Its Goal


Only 200 wreath sponsorships left for Beulah Cemetery in Union City, Eastside Cemetery in Martin and Sunset Cemetery in Dresden

Weakley and Obion counties have shown out and are closer to making a vision to get wreath sponsorships for all veterans buried in local cemeteries in both counties a reality. Wreaths Across America coordinators announced Friday they are only 200 sponsorships away from reaching that goal. The program provides placement of an evergreen wreath on the graves of veterans buried in Sunset Cemetery in Dresden, Eastside Cemetery in Martin and Beulah Cemetery in Union City.

A sponsorship is only $15 per wreath. Program organizers will enlist volunteers such as members of the Civil Air Patrol and local Scout troops to help lay the wreaths on graves at each cemetery on National Wreaths Across America Day on Saturday, Dec. 17. Special recognition is planned for a deceased veteran from each of the branches of the United States Armed Forces as is tradition for the day set aside to “Remember. Honor. Teach.” Volunteers are encouraged and welcome to help lay wreaths at the three cemeteries, with a special invitation extended to family members of the veterans.

The wreaths will remain in place at the cemeteries through the Christmas and New Year holidays. Family members are welcome to stop by on pick-up day and keep wreaths from their respective veterans’ gravesites.

Mail-in sponsorships must be received no later than Tuesday, Nov. 22, while the online portal for donations will remain open through Monday, Nov. 28. To help the local program reach its goal, contact local coordinator Linda Smith at 1-601-434-9597 or by email at lin_lees@hotmail.com or Sue Priest by email to grmysue76@gmail.com.

To sponsor a wreath online, visit https://www.wreathsacrossamerica.org/TNECMT.

This project to expand wreaths’ placement in Weakley and Obion counties is a few years in the making and that much closer to its goal. Event details for the local Wreaths Across America projects on Dec. 17 are also available online at the above-mentioned link.