WCRTA Holds Sept. Meeting


WCRTA OFFICERS - (Left to Right) Mike Barker, TCRS Board of Trustees; WCRTA officers: Betty Nan Carroll, Treasurer; Carol Bowlin, Secretary; Pam Harris, Vice-president; and Wanda Powell, President.

The fall meeting of the Weakley County Retired Teachers Association was held on Wednesday, Sept. 14 at the Masonic Lodge in Martin. The group of 19 WCRTA members and six visitors was welcomed by President Wanda Powell. Appreciation was expressed for the pretty fall decorations including burgundy, yellow, and white mums. Jerry Simmons gave the meditation emphasizing the God-given peace, presence, and power that can be had in the life of a Christian and blessed the meal prepared by Rene Kimsey.

Mike Barker, who has served as the Retired Teacher Representative on the Board of the Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System (TCRS) since 2004, presented our program. As a TCRS Board Trustee, Mr. Barker is a member of the Executive Committee and chairs the Audit Committee. He stated that TCRS is among the top five retirement systems in the United States.

We retired teachers were assured that the people that work in the Treasury for the retirement program are excellent. We were given impressive statistics and dollar amounts. Mr. Barker fielded questions from the members. He also addressed legislative issues that are of high concern to Tennessee Public Schools, such as vouchers, censoring of library and classroom library books, and shortage of teachers.

WCRTA members appreciate and respect our Retired Teacher Representative and want to keep Mike on the TCRS Board of Trustees. Our thanks to Mike Barker for driving up from Humboldt to give us good information and to inspire us regarding the security of our retirement.

We welcome Mrs. Deborah Perkins to the WCRTA membership and wish her a long, healthy and happy retirement. We also look forward to the return of other visitors, who are retired educators and friends of Mr. Barker.

After our business session and announcements, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Bell was recognized for her honor as Queen Bean of the Soybean Festival, Mr. Jerry Simmons for the article covering his impressive career of six decades in education published in the Enterprise and Weakley County Press, and Dr. Clinton Smith for his outstanding leadership in UT Martin Special Education Program and its success at the 2022 Special Olympics USA games. These WCRTA members are valuable to education and to the communities of Weakley County.

The WCRTA will meet next on Dec. 14. All retired educators are invited to enjoy a good meal together and enjoy a program of Christmas music. Catered lunch will be served. Look for the announcement in the Enterprise and Weakley County Press closer to date.