Letter to the Editor


The Dresden Enterprise had excellent coverage of the tornado. Sabrina Bates had pictures of the damage for which she should receive special recognition. You can look at them and tell how bad the tornado was, “A picture is worth a thousand words.”

David Fisher researched and wrote a very interesting article on the hotel. Of course, I would think so because it was my home for 22 years. The hotel was in the Steele family for 54 years. My grandfather E. D. Steele owned and managed it from 1925 until my father C.P Charlie Steele bought and managed it.

Even though the Dresden Enterprise office was destroyed during the tornado on December 10, the staff worked diligently and printed the December 15 edition.

Congratulations Sabrina and David for a job well done. Two of the best! Thanks to all of the Enterprise staff.

Charlene Steele Carroll

Dresden, TN 38225