Storm Drain Repair Approved


DRAIN DAMAGE - Workers are in the process of rerouting a damaged storm drain on Linden Street. The project is expected to be completed in the next couple of days.

Dresden City Board


A special called meeting of the Dresden City Board was held on Monday, August 15, 2022, at Dresden City Hall, to discuss the collapse of a storm drain on Linden Street.

According to Dresden City Recorder Jennifer Branscum, the only quote for the job was submitted by Ford Construction Company. Branscum noted that two other companies were asked to give a quote, but neither of the firms responded.

The collapsed culvert, located adjacent to Dresden Farmer’s Market, resulted in extensive damage to the street and curb.

According to City officials, the culvert rusted out and water washed away the dirt underneath, causing the street to sink. It will be replaced with a plastic culvert, which lasts years longer than those constructed of metal.

If the entire storm drain were to be replaced, approximately 100 ft. of the street would have to be torn up and repaired, which would be very expensive. Instead, the storm drain is being rerouted to a field on the east side of Linden Street, so the project will not be so costly.

In rerouting the drain, a tree that is in the way will have to be removed. A section of the curb must also be replaced.

After discussing the matter, the board voted 3-1 to accept the quote from Ford Construction to make repairs totaling $73,236.

On Monday, Mayor Jeff Washburn stated the work on the project is nearing completion and might be finished later that day or on Tuesday.