Church Celebrates Homecoming and Honors Dedicated Member


Pastor Billy Ross presents Jerry P. Simmons with a plaque declaring August 14th as Jerry Simmons Day.

Submitted by Vanice Parker

Thompson Creek Baptist Church in Como celebrated its 191st Homecoming on August 14. The church honored Bro. Jerry P. Simmons, declaring this day as “Jerry Simmons Day.”

Bro. Jerry, who became a member of Thompson Creek over 65 years ago, began teaching a Sunday school class at the age of 17. He continues teaching the young adult class, and this classroom will be named in his honor. Bro. Jerry has also served Thompson Creek as a deacon for over 60 years, has been song leader for 47 years, and has been involved in education for over 60 years. A man dedicated to God, family, church and community, Simmons is still going.