Spencer Voted Miss FHU 2021-22


MR. AND MISS FHU - (L to R) John Allen Thomas is pictured with Christine Spencer of Martin. The pair were crowned Mr. and Miss FHU for 2021-22.

HENDERSON (April 15) - Mr. and Miss Freed-Hardeman University for the 2021-22 school year were announced, Thursday, April 14, during a special chapel program. Christene (CeCe) Spencer of Martin, according to popular vote, represent the ideal FHU students. John Allen Thomas was chosen as Mr. FHU.

Spencer was among eight finalists nominated by students, faculty and staff for the honor. Other contenders for Miss FHU were Anniston Butler, Lawrenceburg, Tennessee; Suzanna Grady, Murray, Kentucky; and Kayley Wadlington, Cadiz, Kentucky.

Spencer, a family science major, is a member of Alpha Chi National College Honor Society and has held various offices in Phi Kappa Alpha Social Club. "The thing I appreciate most about Freed-Hardeman is the community it creates," Spencer said. "Every day, I am thankful to be a part of the FHU family where we love, pray and care for one another." After graduation, Spencer plans to complete an internship with the Mount Juliet Church of Christ and enter graduate school to become a school guidance counselor. She is the daughter of the late Danny and Sherri Spencer.

The tradition of choosing a Mr. and Miss FHU began in 1940. "This event," Chris Ramey, director of alumni engagement, said, "allows the campus community to celebrate our students in general and especially those who best represent the ideals inherent in our mission."

The mission of Freed-Hardeman University is to help students develop their God-given talents for His glory by empowering them with an education that integrates Christian faith, scholarship and service. With locations in Henderson, Memphis and Dickson, FHU offers associate, bachelor's, master's, specialist and doctoral degrees. More information is available at http://www.fhu.edu.