U.S. Rep. Kustoff Announces Key Legislation


Kustoff Introduces the Small Business Taxpayer Bill of Rights Act of 2022

WASHINGTON, DC — Representative David Kustoff (TN-08) introduced the Small Business Taxpayer Bill of Rights Act of 2022 (H.R. 7033). This bill strengthens taxpayer protections, prohibits improper IRS targeting of taxpayers, compensates taxpayers for IRS abuse, and lowers the compliance burden on taxpayers.

“I hear from countless small business owners throughout West Tennessee that current IRS regulations impose burdensome and costly requirements on them and their business during filing season. Small businesses should be spending their time creating jobs and boosting the local economy and less time dealing with IRS tax policies,” said Rep. Kustoff. “The Small Business Taxpayer Bill of Rights Act of 2022, will give small businesses the protection they need to focus on growing their business and creating opportunity.”

“Small businesses are a crucial part of the American economy, but too much of their time is consumed by complying with onerous IRS rules and regulations. Fortunately, Congressman Kustoff has introduced legislation to relieve the pressure brought on by the IRS’s requirements and allow small businesses to return more of their focus to creating jobs and providing valuable services to their communities,” said Garrett Bess, Vice President of Heritage Action.

“The Small Business Taxpayer Bill of Rights Act implements numerous reforms to the IRS so that small business owners are treated fairly and protected from IRS harassment and overreach. This will ensure small businesses can focus on creating jobs and growing the economy and less time dealing with government bureaucrats and burdensome regulations. Congressman Kustoff should be applauded for introducing this bill to hold the IRS accountable and protect small businesses,” said Grover Norquist, President of Americans for Tax Reform.


Kustoff Cosponsors the American Energy Independence from Russia Act

Representative Kustoff (TN-08) recently cosponsored the American Energy Independence from Russia Act, H.R. 6858. This bill would require the administration to develop an energy security plan and expand American oil and natural gas production to offset Russian imports. This bill authorizes the construction and operation of the Keystone Pipeline, unleashes U.S. LNG exports to boost natural gas production, restarts oil and gas leasing on federal lands and waters, and protects energy and mineral development.

“The United States must once again become a leader in energy production, restore our energy independence, and use our already available resources to offset all Russian imports. Our country should never rely on foreign adversaries for oil and gas, especially Russia. West Tennesseans and people across the country should not be suffering from the high cost of fuel when we have the capability to produce energy at home. This critical, commonsense bill will promote American energy jobs, production, and exports, it will help cripple Russia and Putin’s economy, and it will lower energy costs for American consumers,” said Rep. Kustoff.