Westview Sends Christmas Boxes Worldwide


Key Club members extended the opportunity to participate in Operation Christmas Child to the Westview student body and 175 boxes of goodies and essentials will now make their way around the world. Seen here are: (Back, L to R) Nicholas Sterrett, Michael Moon, Joseph Roupe, Joshua Parrish, Hudson Edge, Advisor Seth Frields, Michael Mosiman, Zeke Ivy, Charles Pate; (middle row, left to right) Hunter Terrell, Luke Diebold, Joey Meeks, Samantha Bates, Katelee Roberts, Alina Armega, Cara Brooke Hatler, Braedyn Hazlewood Betsy Mantooth, Atlantis Taylor, Alyssa Chua; (Front, L to R) Hannah Harrell, Emilee Kendall, Misha Vu, Anna Claire Gallien, Cate Nanney, Kinzey Nanney, Piper Johnson, Abigail Colarullo, Jillian Brigance, Mary Anna Chester, Kaylen Mullins; (out front) Ava Winstead, Harrison Simpson.


Weakley County Schools Communications Director

MARTIN (November 18) - When Key Club Advisor Seth Frields first brought the idea of students filling Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child boxes to club membership, he anticipated a response of around 15. On Wednesday, November 17, 175 boxes were stacked in the halls of Westview High School waiting to be prepped for the next step in the process. First, Westview’s donations will go to an Atlanta, Georgia, processing plant of the North Carolina-based ministry that promotes the project. Then the bright red and green boxes filled with “things children will need and things they will want” will be distributed around the world.

Last year, Frields and wife Areli, filled a box and connected with a child in Paraguay as part of a ministry of their church at South Fulton Baptist. This year, he was challenged to consider making the opportunity available to Westview students.

When the anticipated 15 were grabbed on the first day by Key Club members, club organizers opened the opportunity schoolwide. Frields estimates that the total boxes collected went way beyond Key Club membership, which totals 20, and may have reached as high as 85 students participating.

The objective is for those filling the boxes to choose to fill for a boy or girl and then select an age range of 2-4 years old, 5-9 years old, or 10-14 years old. Toys and hygiene products must fit in the shoebox-sized box provided by Samaritan’s Purse. Students could also include a completed “getting to know me” form and photos in the hopes of connecting later with the recipient.

Frields praised the Westview reaction, “We’ve got a bunch of really good kids. These kids have some big hearts.”